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http shell
  • Introduction
  • Users
  • Tokens
  • Domains
  • Scans
  • Introduction

    This is the documentation for the SIWECOS Business Layer API.


    User Registration

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/user \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "email": "",
        "password": "abcd1234",
        "agb_check": true
    POST /api/v2/user HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
        "email": "",
        "password": "abcd1234",
        "agb_check": true

    A user can be registered in the database.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "token": "Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y",
      "email": "",
      "preferred_language": "de",
      "is_active": false,
      "domain_verification_token": "p522893XyZYSu5riyZ7PRCQ1ynOTyrfsYfx0NNUjbB"

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/user

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    email email The user's email address
    password password The user's password
    agb_check boolean The user must accept the General Terms and Conditions to use this service

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 User created
    422 Validation failed

    User Activation

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X GET \
    GET /api/v2/user/activate/{key} HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local

    A user has to be activated via verification of his email address to use the service.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "token": "Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y",
      "email": "",
      "preferred_language": "de",
      "is_active": true,
      "domain_verification_token": "p522893XyZYSu5riyZ7PRCQ1ynOTyrfsYfx0NNUjbB"

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v2/user/activate/{key}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    key string The user's activation key that was sent via email address

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 OK
    404 User not found
    410 User already activated

    Resend Activation Mail

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/user/activate/resend \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "email": ""
    POST /api/v2/user/activate/resend HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
        "email": ""

    The activation mail can be resend if requested.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "message": "Mail sent."

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/user/activate/resend

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    email email The user's email address

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Mail sent
    410 User already activated
    422 Validation failed

    User Login

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/user/login \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "email": "",
        "password": "abcd1234"
    POST /api/v2/user/login HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
        "email": "",
        "password": "abcd1234"

    The user can be logged in to SIWECOS.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "token": "Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y",
      "email": "",
      "preferred_language": "de",
      "is_active": false,
      "domain_verification_token": "p522893XyZYSu5riyZ7PRCQ1ynOTyrfsYfx0NNUjbB"

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/user/login

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    email email The user's email address
    password password The user's password

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 User logged in
    403 Wrong credentials
    406 User not activated
    422 Validation failed

    Send Password Reset Mail

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/user/password/sendResetMail \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "email": ""
    POST /api/v2/user/password/sendResetMail HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
        "email": ""

    An activated user can reset his password.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "message": "If the user exists in our records, the mail was sent."

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/user/password/sendResetMail

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    email email The user's email address

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Password-Reset email was sent if the activated user exists in the database
    422 Validation failed

    Reset Password

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/user/password/reset \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "newpassword": "ABCD1234",
        "reset_token": "zVgL1Aa5N57L9CEnrpH8xsmKH983Ip3u9ElnjYuED08YR449999Y0j551iFg80m36ybdn3JTJTz22DhNZL87R76pIDw8O95n"
    POST /api/v2/user/password/reset HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
        "newpassword": "ABCD1234",
        "reset_token": "zVgL1Aa5N57L9CEnrpH8xsmKH983Ip3u9ElnjYuED08YR449999Y0j551iFg80m36ybdn3JTJTz22DhNZL87R76pIDw8O95n"

    The user can reset his password.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "message": "Reset completed"

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/user/password/reset

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    newpassword password The user's new password
    reset_token string The associated reset token that was sent by email

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Password reset completed
    404 User not found
    422 Validation failed

    Get User Data

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl http://bla.local/api/v2/user \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y'
    GET /api/v2/user HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y

    A logged in user can retrieve his user data.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "token": "Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y",
      "email": "",
      "preferred_language": "de",
      "is_active": true,
      "domain_verification_token": "p522893XyZYSu5riyZ7PRCQ1ynOTyrfsYfx0NNUjbB"

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v2/user

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 User data
    403 User token invalid / missing

    Update User Data

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X PATCH \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/user \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y' \
      -d '{
        "email": "",
        "preferred_language": "en",
        "newpassword": "ABCD1234"
    PATCH /api/v2/user HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
    SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y
        "email": "",
        "preferred_language": "en",
        "newpassword": "ABCD1234"

    The user can update his details.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "message": "User updated"

    HTTP Request

    PATCH /api/v2/user

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    email email The user's new email address
    newpassword password The user's new password
    preferred_language string The user's preferred language for the app

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 User updated
    403 SIWECOS-Token not valid
    422 Validation failed

    User Deletion

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X DELETE \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/user \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y' \
    DELETE /api/v2/user HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
    SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y

    The user can delete his account.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "message": "User deleted"

    HTTP Request

    DELETE /api/v2/user

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 User deleted
    403 SIWECOS-Token not valid


    In addition to Users the API can also work user-less while working only with Tokens. With this functionality a 3rd-Party Plugin can be created that will automate the registration process completly.

    Register Token

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/token \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "agb_check": true
    POST /api/v2/token HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
        "agb_check": true

    A SIWECOS Token can be registered instead of a User.

    The Response has the following structure:

        "token": "w3JofJRDjGsj2MfOlrDivNMK"

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/token

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    agb_check boolean The user must accept the General Terms and Conditions to use this service

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Token registered
    422 Validation failed


    Adding a Domain

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/domain \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc' \
      -d '{
        "domain": ""
    POST /api/v2/domain HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
    SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc
        "domain": ""

    A new Domain can be added/registered to a Token.

    The Response has the following structure:

        "domain": "",
        "url": "",
        "verification_token": "QsMNH613iGPScan554n7v0f4V29s6W5p9kzPOfA8oECH1Drejv7jpUE53i323tU8",
        "is_verified": false

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/domain

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string The domain that should be registered

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Domain created
    403 Domain is already verified
    410 Domain was not created / could not be saved
    422 Validation failed

    Domain Verification

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/domain/verify \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "domain": ""
    POST /api/v2/domain/verify HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
        "domain": ""

    Verify the associated Domain for the given domain.

    The Response has the following structure:

        "domain": "",
        "url": "",
        "verification_token": "QsMNH613iGPScan554n7v0f4V29s6W5p9kzPOfA8oECH1Drejv7jpUE53i323tU8",
        "is_verified": true

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/domain/verify

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string The domain that should be verified

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Domain verified
    403 Domain is already verified
    404 Domain could not be verified
    409 Domain verification exception
    422 Validation failed

    Listing all Domains

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X GET \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/domain \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc'
    GET /api/v2/domain HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc

    Returning a list of domains for the specified SIWECOS-Token.

    The Response has the following structure:

        "domains": [
                "domain": "",
                "url": "",
                "verification_token": "QsMNH613iGPScan554n7v0f4V29s6W5p9kzPOfA8oECH1Drejv7jpUE53i323tU8",
                "is_verified": false
                "domain": "",
                "url": "",
                "verification_token": "9r0Ei2ZG14PGXoN6T32BHid0GWCKiPP0R3LDZo7U8oE2z5JaBL80k5n1284Pql7I",
                "is_verified": true

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v2/domain

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 List of domains returned
    403 SIWECOS-Token not valid

    Requesting Domain Details

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X GET \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/domain/ \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc'
    GET /api/v2/domain/ HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc

    Returning the details for a specified Domain.

    The Response has the following structure:

        "domain": "",
        "url": "",
        "verification_token": "QsMNH613iGPScan554n7v0f4V29s6W5p9kzPOfA8oECH1Drejv7jpUE53i323tU8",
        "is_verified": false

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v2/domain/{domain}

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Domain details returned
    403 SIWECOS-Token not valid
    404 Domain not found

    Deleting a Domain

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X DELETE \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/domain \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "domain": ""
    DELETE /api/v2/domain HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
        "domain": ""

    A Domain can be deleted.

    The Response has the following structure:

        "message": "Domain deleted"

    HTTP Request

    DELETE /api/v2/domain

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string The domain that should be deleted

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Domain deleted
    403 Forbidden
    422 Validation failed

    Retrieving the latest Main-URL Scan Report

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X GET \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/domain/ \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc'
    GET /api/v2/domain/ HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc

    Retrieving the latest Scan Report for the given Domain.

    The Response has the same structure as the Scan Report

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v2/domain/{domain}/report/{language?}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string The domain the report is requested for
    language_code string One of the supported language codes for translated results: de or en

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Latest Scan Report
    404 No scan found

    Retrieving the latest Full Scan Report

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X GET \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/domain/ \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc'
    GET /api/v2/domain/ HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    SIWECOS-Token: 46rzR6TLJxtt7OrwLST+aTrc

    Retrieving the latest SiwecosScan Report for the given Domain.

    The Response has the same structure as the Full Scan Report

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v2/domain/{domain}/fullreport/{language?}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string The domain the report is requested for
    language_code string One of the supported language codes for translated results: de or en

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Latest Scan Report
    404 No scan found

    Retrieving the sealproof data

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X GET \
    GET /api/v2/domain/ HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local

    The data for the SIWECOS sealproof can be requested.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "domain": "",
      "score": 82,
      "finished_at": "2019-04-09T05:58:55Z"

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v2/domain/{domain}/sealproof

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string The domain for the requested sealproof

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 OK
    404 Scan not found
    409 Domain not verified


    Starting a Freescan

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/freescan \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
        "domain": ""
    POST /api/v2/freescan HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
        "domain": ""

    A Freescan can be started.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "scan_id": 6

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/freescan

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string The domain that should be scanned

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    scan_id integer The scan's id

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Scan started
    422 Validation failed

    Starting a Scan

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/freescan \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y' \
      -d '{
        "domain": ""
    POST /api/v2/scan HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
    SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y
        "domain": ""

    A regular scan can be started for a registered domain.

    The Response has the following structure:

        "scan_id": 3

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/scan

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    domain string The domain that should be scanned

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    scan_id integer The scan's id

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Scan started
    404 Associated Domain not found or unverified
    422 Validation failed

    Retrieving the Scan Status

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X GET \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/scan/3913 \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y'
    GET /api/v2/scan/3913 HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y
    Content-Type: application/json

    The scan status can be requested.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "id": 1,
      "status": "running",
      "has_error": false,
      "started_at": "2019-04-09T05:28:43Z",
      "finished_at": null

    HTTP Request

    GET /api/v2/scan/{scan_id}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    scan_id integer The scan's id. It's returned when you request a scan start

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    status string The status can be: created, running, finished or failed
    has_error boolean Determines if the scan had an error
    started_at date DateTime String for the start time (when the scan was dispatched to the Core-API)
    finished_at date DateTime String for the finished time (when the result was received from the Core-API)

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Scan status retrieved
    403 Forbidden
    404 Scan not found
    422 Validation failed

    Retrieving the Main-URL Scan Report

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/scan/3913/en \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y'
    POST /api/v2/scan/3913/en HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y
    Content-Type: application/json

    The scan report can be requested.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "id": 1,
      "status": "finished",
      "has_error": false,
      "started_at": "2019-04-09T05:28:43Z",
      "finished_at": "2019-04-09T05:58:55Z",
      "score": 87,
      "report": [
        // Core-API Report for different Scanners
        // For documentation purposes only the siwecos/HSHS-DOMXSS-Scanner results are listed here
          "scanner_name": "Header Scanner",
          "scanner_code": "HEADER",
          "score": 85,
          "has_error": false,
          "error_message": null,
          "started_at": "2019-04-09T05:28:50Z",
          "finished_at": "2019-04-09T05:28:56Z",
          "tests": [
            // for documentation purpose only one test is listed here
              "headline": "Check of HSTS protection",
              "score": 100,
              "has_error": false,
              "result": "Your website can only be reached via the secure HTTPS protocol. Communication between your website and its visitors can not be intercepted or manipulated.",
              "result_details": [
                  "The value of 'max-age' is greater than 6 months."
              "result_description": null,
              "solution_tips": "<p>If the connection to your page is not encrypted, all communication between your site and its users can be intercepted and manipulated. </p><p>max-age=63072000; includeSubdomains; HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) is a web security policy mechanism that is easy to integrate. </p> <b>--snip</b><pre> # Activate HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) # Required: \"max-age\" # Optional: \"includeSubDomains\"</pre> <pre>  <b>Header set Strict-Transport-Security \"max-age=31556926; includeSubDomains\"</b> </pre> <p><b>--snap</b> </p><p>Here is an example of an .htaccess file which will set the <b>Header Scanner</b> to green. (<a target=\"siwecos_wiki\" href=\"\" title=\"Htaccess/EN\">.htaccess example</a>) </p>",
              "information_link": ""

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/scan/{scan_id}/{language_code}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    scan_id integer The scan's id. It's returned when you request a scan start
    language_code string One of the supported language codes for translated results: de or en

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    status string The status can be: finished
    has_error boolean Determines if the scan had an error
    started_at date DateTime String for the start time (when the scan was dispatched to the Core-API)
    finished_at date DateTime String for the finished time (when the result was received from the Core-API)
    report array Array of translated and formatted scan results that where delivered by the Core-API

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Scan status retrieved
    403 Forbidden
    404 Scan not found
    422 Validation failed

    Retrieving the Main-URL Scan Report as PDF

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
          "SIWECOS-Token": "Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y"
      }' \
    POST /api/v2/scan/3913/en/pdf HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
      "SIWECOS-Token": "Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y"

    The scan report can be requested as a PDF file.

    A PDF file will be downloaded.

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/scan/{scan_id}/{language_code}/pdf

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    scan_id integer The scan's id. It's returned when you request a scan start
    language_code string One of the supported language codes for translated results: de or en
    SIWECOS-Token string SIWECOS-Token for non-freescans

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 PDF Report
    403 Forbidden
    404 Scan not found
    409 Scan not finished

    Retrieving the Full Scan Report

    The Request must have the following structure:

    curl -X POST \
      http://bla.local/api/v2/siwecosScan/3913/en \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -H 'SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y'
    POST /api/v2/siwecosScan/3913/en HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    SIWECOS-Token: Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y
    Content-Type: application/json

    The scan report can be requested.

    The Response has the following structure:

      "id": 1,
      "status": "finished",
      "has_error": false,
      "started_at": "2019-04-09T05:28:43Z",
      "finished_at": "2019-04-09T05:58:55Z",
      "score": 87,
      "scanner_scores": [
        "DOMXSS": 25,
        "HEADER": 42.5,
        "INFOLEAK": 50,
        "INI_S": 50,
        "TLS": 50
      "reports": [
        // Arrays with one report for each scanned URL or MailDomain
        "": [
          // ScanReport for Main-URL
        "": [
          // ScanReport for first crawledUrl, ...
        "": [
          // ScanReport for first MailDomain, ...
        "...": [
          // ...

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/siwecosScan/{scan_id}/{language_code}

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    scan_id integer The scan's id. It's returned when you request a scan start
    language_code string One of the supported language codes for translated results: de or en

    Response Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    status string The status can be: finished
    has_error boolean Determines if the scan had an error
    started_at date DateTime String for the start time (when the scan was dispatched to the Core-API)
    finished_at date DateTime String for the finished time (when the result was received from the Core-API)
    score integer Calculated weighted total score for the scan
    scanner_scores array Average score by scanner
    reports array Array of translated and formatted scan reports for each scanned URL or MailDomain

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 Scan status retrieved
    403 Forbidden
    404 Scan not found
    422 Validation failed

    Retrieving the Full Scan Report as PDF

    curl -X POST \
      -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
      -d '{
          "SIWECOS-Token": "Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y"
      }' \
    POST /api/v2/siwecosScan/3913/en/pdf HTTP/1.1
    Host: bla.local
    Content-Type: application/json
      "SIWECOS-Token": "Y2jHgqtSVcz8eFqiV4eC0s5Y"

    The scan report can be requested as a PDF file.

    A PDF file will be downloaded.

    HTTP Request

    POST /api/v2/siwecosScan/{scan_id}/{language_code}/pdf

    Request Parameters

    Parameter Type Description
    scan_id integer The scan's id. It's returned when you request a scan start
    language_code string One of the supported language codes for translated results: de or en
    SIWECOS-Token string SIWECOS-Token for non-freescans

    Response Status Codes

    Code Meaning
    200 PDF Report
    403 Forbidden
    404 Scan not found
    409 Scan not finished